GHL NZ is Auckland's leading Temporary Fencing Specialist and Scaffolding Plank Hire Business.
Greg and Vikki Goudie started the business in 2003 and it is now managed by Jack Holbutt. From small beginnings as a specialist scaffolding plank hire business around 20 years’ ago, we expanded our operations from 2006 on to include Temp Fence, temporary fencing panels, temporary fencing accessories, Crowd Control Barriers and Temporary Pool Fences for hire in the greater Auckland area and for sale throughout New Zealand.

In 2003 GHL purchased NZ Plank Hire with just over 2000 planks on hire. The business was run from home at first but quickly out grew this and today has over 20,000 Scaffolding Planks. GHL hires to the Scaffolding Industries and to Builders, Brick layers and the Construction Industry in general.

In 2005 The temporary fencing side of the business was born (you may know it as NZ Fence Hire), it had strong temporary fencing hire and sales growth recorded from the very beginning.

In 2009, GHL became the NZ distributor for an Australian owned temporary fencing company, a distributorship that has since been relinquished with GHL TempFence no longer associated with them in any way. The business relationship was based on GHL (100% NZ owned) trading independently with GHL purchasing stock through the Australian company, benefiting originally from the size of the Australian market and there purchasing power. This purchasing arrangement ended in 2015 as Quality Issues crept in and Prices crept up in impacting our Business and as a result of GHL Temp Fences own continued growth and the increased size of the NZ market being able to support GHL's own direct supply, to ensure GHL is around for many years to come. "Delivering the Best Products at the Best Pricing"

In 2015, GHL set up it's own Supply chains and rebranded to GHL Temp Fence & GHL Plank Hire cutting out the middle man to ensure it's on going competitiveness as one of the largest temporary fence hire, temporary fence sales and Scaffolding Plank Hire businesses with our large and wide stock range and our capabilities As a 100% New Zealand owned company, we continue to commit to our industry leading service, providing fencing solutions and scaffolding planks when others can’t and our brand promise – On time, Every Time!

In 2022, the business was acquired by Coventry Group (NZ) Ltd whose goal will be to maintain the companies excellent customer reputation in the Auckland market, whilst looking to expand into additional products and locations.